Influence of Personality Traits on Organization Identification: A Case Study of Livestock and Dairy Development Department, Punjab

  • Zulaikha Mahmood Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab.
  • Amani Moazzam Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab.
Keywords: agreeableness trait, conscientiousness, extraversion trait, neuroticism trait, openness to experience, organizational identification (OI)


This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between personality traits and personal identification in the organization. The study used random sampling technique to collect data from 1277 employees. The results showed that there exists a positive relationship between personality traits and identification of organization; workers having agreeableness and conscientiousness traits tend to have more identification with their organization, while neurotic workers showed negative association. However, differences were seen in male and female samples concerning perceived organizational identification with minor variation. The study concludes that individuals possessing agreeable and conscientious traits are more advantageous for the high level of organizational identification, irrespective of gender differences.

How to Cite
Mahmood, Z., & Moazzam, A. (2021). Influence of Personality Traits on Organization Identification: A Case Study of Livestock and Dairy Development Department, Punjab. Journal of Management and Research, 8(1), 250-277.