Journal of Management and Research
<p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Management and Research (JMR) is the flagship pragmatic journal in management, aims to present the latest thinking and research on all major and minor management areas in indispensable way for readers. The Journal welcomes a broad view of business and management while encouraging new ideas and advanced perspectives on existing research and promising deep-exploration approach for the future possible research areas.</p>University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistanen-USJournal of Management and Research2218-2705<p style="text-align: justify;">Thus, work submitted to Journal of Management and Research implies that it is original, unpublished work of the authors; neither published previously nor accepted/under consideration for publication elsewhere. </p>Role of Narcissism in Entrepreneurial Traits Mediated by Entrepreneurial Intention and Entrepreneurial Motivation among University Students
<p>This study investigates the influence of narcissism and entrepreneurial ambition on entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy in students studying entrepreneurship. This study employed an intricate relationship between narcissistic tendencies, entrepreneurial drive, entrepreneurial intention, and self-efficacy among students. The study also applied a positivist ideology and a deductive approach in quantitative research. A total of (N-766) responses were collected for inquiry from entrepreneurship students in Pakistan, a South Asian country. Data was analyzed through SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 26, while utilizing multiple linear regression models and commonly employed mediation procedures. The findings suggested that the relationship between entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial intention is such that entrepreneurial motivation positively influences entrepreneurial intention. The study made a valuable contribution to the existing body of knowledge on the extended model of the Theory of Planned Behavior. It has important implications for university administration and teachers who are responsible for students displaying high levels of narcissism or psychopathy. These individuals should be given proper care, education, and targeted interventions aimed at reducing their narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies to enhance their entrepreneurial intentions. According to the knowledge, this is the first study of this context which contributed to the literature on of narcissism, entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy. Second, the study used (Entrepreneurial Motivation) as Moderator (Exogenous force) in this study as the study was conducted in Pakistan. So, the study has a great contribution to this perspective as well.</p>Umer EjazAli HassanAbu HurairaShahzada Adeel
2024-12-262024-12-2611212115110.29145/jmr.112.05Pride as a Catalyst for Student Engagement and Performance: The Roles of Psychological Capital and Teacher-Student Relationships
<p>This study explores positive emotions in the context of students, focusing on the constructive impact of pride. The research aims to enhance the practical understanding of positive emotions centered around the broaden and build theory. Additionally, based on social learning theory, the article examines the moderating role of teacher-student relationship (TSR) to identify the association between psychological capital (PsyCap) and students' outcomes. To analyze the effects of pride on students' outcomes, PsyCap is introduced as a mediating mechanism, elucidating its influence on the relationship between pride and academic performance and engagement. Data from 328 students in diverse universities in Pakistan support our model, and the findings reveal a positive correlation between pride and academic performance and engagement. Moreover, TSR moderates the link between PsyCap and academic performance and student engagement. The positive association between PsyCap and academic performance and engagement strengthens when TSR is strong. This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the significance of positive emotions, particularly pride, in the academic context. The implications extend to theoretical and practical realms, providing insights into cultivating positive emotions and fostering a strong TSR. However, acknowledging study limitations, future research directions are required to address them.</p>Muhammad QasimSyed Tahir Hussain Rizvi
2024-12-232024-12-231129012010.29145/jmr.112.04Examining the Influence of Cultural and Societal Factors on Networking and Socializing Challenges: A Study of Female Entrepreneurs in Pakistan
<p>The current research explores the experiences of female entrepreneurs in Pakistan, offering a detailed exploration of their networking and socializing efforts, the motivational factors driving their ventures, and the unique challenges they face throughout their entrepreneurial journeys. Qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interviews of 25 female entrepreneurs from diverse sectors. Thematic analysis was performed via NVivo14, which revealed the pervasive obstacles encountered, including deeply ingrained societal norms, gender biases, and limited access to established business networks. The findings revealed how traditional cultural expectations, including rigid gender roles and expectations of modesty, impede women's active participation in networking opportunities, further marginalizing them in business circles. This research also uncovers the innovative strategies female entrepreneurs use to navigate through these challenges, including utilization of online platforms as an alternative to in-person networking. The research also highlights the significance of fostering supportive networking environment for women to ensure professional growth. It provides a contextualized understanding of how societal pressure shapes the experience of female entrepreneurs in Pakistan, while drawing parallels with similar challenges faced by women in the world which adds to the broader literature on gender and entrepreneurship. The study offers actionable insights for policymakers and stakeholders. These insights are essential for creating an inclusive entrepreneurial environment for female entrepreneurs to help them flourish and contribute towards the economic growth and gender equality objectives of the country. </p>Duaa RehmanUrooj Qamar
2024-12-132024-12-13112538910.29145/jmr.112.03Impact of Reward System on Academic Staff Engagement (ASE) and Organisational Performance (OP) in Technical Universities (TUs): A Case of Ghana
<p>Reward systems are significant organisational management tools for acquiring, retaining, and motivating potential employees and for attaining higher levels of performance. The primary goal of this research is to explore the impact of reward system on academic staff engagement and organisational performance in selected Technical Universities (TUs) in Ghana. To achieve the objective, data was collected using Google Forms from 315 academic staff working at 5 selected TUs. Afterwards, it was gathered in SMART PLS (SEM) and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that (i) Academic Staff Engagement (ASE) has a significant positive effect on Reward System (RS), (ii) RS has a significant positive effect on Organisational Performance (OP), (iii) ASE influences OP, and (iv) RS significantly mediates the relationship between ASE and OP. Therefore, the findings suggested that the organisational reward system and academic staff engagement are critical human resource factors for improving the performance of the technical institutions. The outcome of this research calls for the policy makers and the TUs management to consider reward system and academic staff engagement programs as tools for driving institutional performance. The study also contributes significantly to the knowledge and the application of ASE, RS, and OP in theory and practice in the context of higher education institutions.</p>Marian S DavisObianuju Okeke-Uzodike
2024-12-122024-12-12112285210.29145/jmr.112.02Impact of Knowledge Sharing on Employee Performance in Higher Education: Moderating Role of Employee Motivation and Employee Engagement
<p>The objective is to assess the impact of knowledge sharing, employee motivation, and employee engagement on overall performance. The quantitative research method is used to collect primary data through an adoptive structured questionnaire based on a 5-Likert scale. The responses are recorded from 322 respondents through the method of sampling in many stages. Using SmartPLS software, recorded responses are examined using statistical tests (such as regression and correlation). The results indicate a positive relationship among knowledge sharing, employee engagement, motivation, and performance. All hypotheses (H1, H2, H3) were accepted with <em>t</em>-values exceeding 1.96. This study elaborates on how knowledge sharing along with the moderating effects of motivation and engagement, improves employee performance, particularly in the academic sector. It also adds to the existing literature on these relationships.</p>Iqra BibiAsad TufailHaider Ali Shah
2024-09-272024-09-27112012710.29145/jmr.112.01Best HRM Practices or Context-Specific HRM Practices: Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan
<p>The current study attempted to explore the idea of convergence versus divergence of best Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in the context of Pakistan. In recent years, the businesses of multinational companies have grown immensely. This, in turn, has raised a debate of divergence vs. convergence of management practices in general and HRM practices, in particular, due to socio-cultural constructs that exist in a society. While, a major part of the international HRM literature has focused on the developed countries or the Western world. The current study, however, examined the convergence vs. divergence of the best HRM practices of a developing country, keeping in view the individual cultural values that people possess. The data was collected through a survey questionnaire technique from the telecommunications sector of Pakistan, which comprises Multinational Companies’ (MNCs) subsidiaries. The results showed that the best HRM practices should be carried out by incorporating the cultural values of the host country. However, there are certain practices that people prefer to follow in a standardized manner. Hence, the managers working in MNCs’ subsidiaries are suggested to incorporate and take into account the cultural variations while designing the HRM policies and practices. The current study also provided insights into the Pakistani culture for international research and the business community as well.</p>Farwa AbbasMuhammad Shahnawaz AdilAsma Abdul Rehman
2024-06-282024-06-28112013210.29145/jmr.111.01Unlocking Pre-Primary Teachers’ Potential for Creativity through Job Crafting and Psychological Empowerment
<p>In the present-day world, education is considered to be the key element of progress for any nation. Every stride towards progress demands efforts, and undoubtedly the educational institutions rely heavily on the efforts of the teachers. Ensuring the quality of students’ education and research to meet the challenges of the current era are paramount goals. The current research aimed to study the relationship between job crafting, psychological empowerment and creativity among pre-primary teachers. The study encompassed a total sample of 250 pre-primary teachers from the public and private schools of Lahore, Pakistan. Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Hayes PROCESS Mediation Analysis were applied to analyze the data through SPSS 26. The results of the study revealed a significant correlation among the variables. Results of regression analysis showed that job crafting (task and relational dimension), and psychological empowerment (meaning and impact dimension) were significant positive predictors of creativity. Furthermore, the mediation analysis showed that meaning significantly mediated the relationship between task crafting and creativity, as well as relational crafting and creativity. Similarly, impact was also found to be a significant mediator between relational crating and creativity. The findings of this research hold significant implications for both educators and policymakers of early childhood education. Confirming the crucial role of job crafting through the mediation of psychological empowerment in fostering creativity, this study underscores the necessity of integrating insights into the value, potential strategies, and effects of job crafting and psychological empowerment into teacher training programs.</p>Shagufta ShaheenZainab SohailAmber Baseer
2024-06-282024-06-28112335910.29145/jmr.111.02Dynamics of Team-Member Exchange (TMX): A Bibliometric Analysis
<p>Team-Member Exchange (TMX) and its associated positive organizational outcomes have garnered significant interest among organizational researchers and psychologists. To address this interest, the current research through bibliometric analysis reviewed TMX and its profound impact on the related concepts within organizational research. Utilizing a targeted search on Scopus, 113 articles were shortlisted. The substantial influence of TMX on both individual and team-level outcomes was explored by applying the Social Exchange Theory (SET). The thematic analysis and the implications of TMX, including its connections to the leadership roles, cultural contexts, and individual attributes that can enhance TMX were discussed in detail. The research study contributes to the field by providing the first comprehensive bibliometric analysis of TMX, highlighting growth trends, dominant themes, and key author collaborations which differentiates it from the previous reviews that lacked such detailed quantitative insights. This study thus, provides useful insights, recommendations, and theoretical contributions for future research in this domain.</p>Muhammad Umar ShahzadArshia Mukhtar
2024-06-282024-06-28112608510.29145/jmr.111.03Impact of MBA Programs in Fostering the Development of Professionals: The Case of Bangladesh
<p>The human capital theory suggests that individuals can significantly enhance their knowledge, skills, and marketability by participating in education and training programs relevant to their job. Many professionals in Bangladesh are returning to academia, since they consider the MBA degree as an advanced managerial degree for their professional development. Enrolling in an MBA program represents a strategic investment in one's human capital. The impact of the MBA degree on the development of employability and the factors contributing to it remains undetermined. Thus, this study aims to evaluate how managerial education enhances employability and shapes attitudes in Bangladeshi professionals. An explanatory sequential approach based on mixed methods research design was followed for collecting and analyzing data. The study population consisted of the alumni of evening MBA programs conducted in public universities in Bangladesh and their employers. The analysis was based on 390 valid questionnaire responses and 10 comprehensive interviews with employers. The alumni of MBA programs acknowledged substantial improvement in managerial knowledge, skills, and attitudes, a viewpoint endorsed by their employers. These results may inspire individuals without an MBA to consider pursuing the degree, aiming to improve their understanding and abilities in management with the purpose of developing their future careers. The results present a persuasive case for employers to support their employees in pursuing managerial education. It is important to recognize that the growth of the knowledge and skills of professionals is closely linked to organizational development. An employee with proper managerial capabilities is considered as a valuable resource for any organization and also contributes to national development.</p>Md. Ashraful AlamMd. Saiful Islam
2024-06-282024-06-281128611310.29145/jmr.111.04Impact of Job Stress on Job Performance and Innovative Work Behavior in the Construction Industry of Pakistan: Role of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) as a Mediator
<p>The current research explores the relationship between job stress, job performance and innovative work behaviour, as mediated by psychological capital (PsyCap), in the construction sector in Pakistan. More specifically, it investigates as to whether PsyCap indeed helps to mediate the interaction between job stress and job performance. For this purpose, cross-sectional survey research design was adopted and questionnaires were administered on one hundred (100) construction workers. The results revealed that high levels of PsyCap have a positive relationship with job performance and innovative work behaviour, as well as a negative relationship with job stress. The study also examined how PsyCap mediates the negative impact of job stress, as well as the need to reduce it and improve employees’ productivity and creativity in stressful areas. The findings enhance the knowledge base of PsyCap as an organizational asset that may effectively minimize the effects of job stress and provide suggestions to enhance the management of employees’ outcomes. In light of these findings, organizations in the construction sector should promote PsyCap to boost the performance and resistance of workers to stress in the demanding environment that characterizes the industry.</p>Nadia Shafeeq Mughal