Knowledge Sharing and Affective Commitment:Mediating Role of Trust Between Knowledge Sender and Receiver

Keywords: affective commitment, emotional attachment, employee’s recognition, knowledge sharing, trust


The main determination of the current study is to explore the antecedents of knowledge sharing. Hence; affective commitment is an antecedent that shows how knowledge can be shared among the knowledge participants by using an employee’s emotional attachment and recognition with the organization. Similarly, the mediating role of trust was checked between employee’s knowledge sharing attitude and affective commitment. Data was collected from the hi-tech information technology (IT) industry from Pakistan with a sample of 143 as valid responses. Regression, correlation, factor loading, and path coefficients were used to check the reliability, validity, and model fit of the research framework. The findings suggested that employees’ recognition and emotional attachment with the organization are positively related to knowledge sharing. In addition, the mediating role of trust between affective commitment and knowledge sharing is significant and positive.

Author Biographies

Maqsood Ahmad, Iqra University Islamabad, Pakistan

Department of Management Sciences

Iram Mushtaq, HITEC University Taxila, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Department of Electrical Engineering

Rana Muhammad Umar, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan

Department of Business Administration

How to Cite
Ahmad, M., Mushtaq, I., & Umar, R. (2019). Knowledge Sharing and Affective Commitment:Mediating Role of Trust Between Knowledge Sender and Receiver. Journal of Management and Research, 6(2), 1-17.