Building World-Class University in Pakistan: Opportunities and Constraints

Keywords: academic excellence, developing countries, global rankings, higher education institutions, quality standards, world-class univer


The article explores the issues of academic excellence in higher education to pursue a position in world-class universities. Two universities in Pakistan have been chosen for the site of this qualitative study, one which has achieved the status, and the other still aspiring. The triangulation has been reached by a document analysis of the quality reports submitted by the two universities, semi-structured interviews with the senior and middle management of the universities, deans, and director for Quality Enhancement Cells, and head of the departments of the selected universities. The primary data obtained have been compared and contrasted with the quality characteristics marked by standards for academic excellence. Research findings inform us that unawareness of the international quality standards, and its potential benefits, the disinterest of university leadership are the main problems, due to which Pakistani universities are lagging behind. The study proposes if proper understanding and meaningfulness is created through quality professionalism, it would become much easier to pursue quality assurance process to meet international standards. The findings of the study will be a unique contribution to the body of literature creating a point of interest to policymakers and quality assurance practitioners of the developing countries who are concerned about the academic excellence of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to accentuate in the significant areas which make any university, a world-class university.

Author Biographies

Ayesha Khawar, The City School System

The Smart School (A Project of The City School System)

Seema Arif, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Management &Technology, Lahore

Department of Education

How to Cite
Khawar, A., & Arif, S. (2019). Building World-Class University in Pakistan: Opportunities and Constraints. Journal of Management and Research, 6(2), 85-112.