Day Dreaming of Highly Effective Dean: An Important Role towards the Success of Higher Educational Institutes (HEI)

  • Muhammad Yousaf Jamil University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Leadership, planning, professionalism, academic standards, higher educational institute (HEI)


A highly effective Dean plays a marvelous role in the success of creating Quality oriented culture as a Professional Leader, Strategic Thinker, Effective Manager of the Faculty, staff and Students and raises the standards of academic quality. After a detailed review of the prevailing literature about an Effective Dean, this article proposes a conceptual framework that will help out in promoting a healthy culture of effectiveness in the community of Deans. Issues like strategic planning, curriculum, facilities and research are also part of the responsibilities of Effective Deans. Daydreaming 'offers a positive,simultaneous effect on task performance. Through a wide-ranging attributes of Effective Dean, the probable model as mentioned in Figure No. 6.1, uncovers the Planning, Professional, Leadership, and Managerial,scholarly and effective teaching capabilities of Deans. Adopting continuous Improvement strategy, getting accreditation of the relevant Programs at national as well as international level are also the key attributes. The model, if implemented successfully can develop Effective Deans who can run their Schools effectively and the culture of Effective Schooling will ultimately lead towards the creation of a successful Higher Education Institute (HEI).

Author Biography

Muhammad Yousaf Jamil, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

How to Cite
Jamil, M. (2016). Day Dreaming of Highly Effective Dean: An Important Role towards the Success of Higher Educational Institutes (HEI). Journal of Management and Research, 3(2), 1-26.