Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation in Pakistani Enterprises: Critical Success Factors and Challenges

  • Muhammad Yousaf Jamil University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Rafia Qayyum University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Key Success Factors (CSFs), Challenges


ERP systems are the backbone of global supply chain, while their success and failure determines the fate of the business. With enormous competition and ever increasing challenges in boundless trading, the IT linkages and E-Business involve extensive customization. There are many researches on the implementation facilitators and barriers in all types of organizations throughout the world but limited literature can be found in work specific to Pakistan. This study brings out the critical factors that drive a successful ERP system in Pakistan and also discusses the pitfalls to be avoided in order to prevent a disaster. Through this study, the critical success factors and the main challenges for implementation of ERP in Pakistani organizations have been recognized. In this way, suggested to localize for ERP implementation in Pakistani organizations.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Yousaf Jamil, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Director Quality Enhancement Cell

Rafia Qayyum, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Industrial Engineering,Lecturer

How to Cite
Jamil, M., & Qayyum, R. (2015). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation in Pakistani Enterprises: Critical Success Factors and Challenges. Journal of Management and Research, 2(2), 1-35. https://doi.org/10.29145/jmr/22/0202004