Exploring the Effects of Celebrity Endorsement in Electronic Media Advertisements on Purchasing Behaviour of Citizens of Sargodha City

  • Adnan Khaliq Bhatti University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Mehwish Fiaz University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
Keywords: Celebrities Endorsement, Advertisements, Purchasing Behavior, Celebrity


The socio-economic development of Sargodha city of Pakistan has positive effects on the purchase behavior of citizen of the city. The induction of different brands in this city creates an opportunity to test the purchase behavior influenced by electronic media. The study examines the effects of celebrity endorsement in electronic media advertisements on purchase behavior of citizens of Sargodha city. Television is selected from a broad range of electronic media due to its popularity and access to the majority of population. 320 individuals are selected through multi stage sampling techniques in which participants are categorized demographically by gender, age, education, and as per income level with the ratio of 160 each gender category. Survey research method is used to acquire proper response from selected sample. Statistical analysis using SPSS describes the celebrity endorsed advertisements in TV which has significant positive impact on purchase behavior of the consumers of the study. The study reveals that customers pay more attention towards celebrity endorsed rather than noncelebrity advertisement. It is also learnt that female showbiz celebrities are more adored by customers as compared to male showbiz celebrities. In addition, customers recall level about advertisement with celebrities is higher than the advertisements with absence of celebrities. Findings further show that celebrity endorsed advertisements is more influential on purchase behavior of citizen of Sargodha.

Author Biographies

Adnan Khaliq Bhatti, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan

Department of Communication Studies

Mehwish Fiaz, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan

Department of Communication Studies

How to Cite
Bhatti, A., & Fiaz, M. (2016). Exploring the Effects of Celebrity Endorsement in Electronic Media Advertisements on Purchasing Behaviour of Citizens of Sargodha City. Journal of Management and Research, 3(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.29145/jmr/31/0301003