An Empirical Examination of Brand Loyalty via Customer Delight in Pakistan

  • Hera Anam
  • Rafia Faiz
Keywords: Customer Delight, Attachment, Brand engagement, Brand loyalty


The purpose of this study is to examine brand loyalty in Pakistan. This is in relation to investigating the relationship between brand attachment, surprise, customer brand engagement and customer satisfaction with customer delight. This innovative study addresses a clear research gap in the brand loyalty literature. A model is developed by the author. Empirical data for the study is collected from 350 self-administered questionnaires in Lahore City of Pakistan. Data analysis in SPSS shows that surprise or customer satisfaction do not have significant relationship with customer delight, but brand attachment has a significant positive relationship with customer delight. The findings also show that brand loyalty has significant positive relationship with customer delight. In the context of current global economic downturn and inflation, brand loyalty is of rising concern. The policy makers can build up on the findings of this study to emphasize on customer delight and exceed customer’s expectations, rather than the traditional limited concept of customer satisfaction.

How to Cite
Anam, H., & Faiz, R. (2016). An Empirical Examination of Brand Loyalty via Customer Delight in Pakistan. Journal of Management and Research, 3(1), 1-28.