Transforming into a Learning Organization through HR Initiatives and Managerial Factors: A Case of Avari Hotel, Lahore

  • Namra Rehman University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Atif Hassan University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Hospitality Industry, Avari Hotel, Learning Organization, Success, Rapid Expansion


This study explores the HR initiatives and managerial factors that contributed towards making Avari Hotel a learning organization and ensuring its continuous success and rapid expansion in the International world. In-depth interviews and analysis of existing organizational documents and secondary resources were referred in this case study. The main findings of the study attributed its success to the consistent hard work of the owners and senior management in meeting and maintaining the international standards of five star hotel properties while sustaining and developing its own unique selling elements distinguishing Avari chain from its competitors. HR initiatives for employee retention and the functional role of HR in areas as ensuring safe, healthy and happy workplace, employee care, communication, recognition, work environment and culture, recruitment training and development has played a major role in transforming it into a learning organization Although the strategic management at Avari Hotel, Lahore is in action to address the environment and competitive pressures, there is a strong need that management practices at Avari remain aligned with their business objectives in order to remain a force in hospitality industry and retain their market position for strong, unique and favorable brand associations.

Author Biographies

Namra Rehman, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

School of Business and Economics,MS Scholar

Atif Hassan, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

School of Business and Economics, Department of Management (Associate Professor),  Chairman 

How to Cite
Rehman, N., & Hassan, A. (2016). Transforming into a Learning Organization through HR Initiatives and Managerial Factors: A Case of Avari Hotel, Lahore. Journal of Management and Research, 3(1), 1-24.