Enhancing University Students' Career Orientation Through Personal Growth Tools: The Moderating Role of Career Self-Management
Gaining self-awareness can be accomplished through practicing personal growth tools. This study highlights how career self-management moderates the impact of coping strategies, mindfulness, and self-regulation on students facing challenges. Furthermore, the study contributes to an expanding body of research on how the university students in Lahore, Pakistan, relate mindfulness, coping mechanisms, and self-regulation to their career orientation. With a sample size of 384 students, the survey data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), employing descriptive analysis, Cronbach's Alpha, response rates, and response profiles. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was also used for hypothesis testing. The findings of this study reveal that effective coping strategies, when moderated by career self-management, significantly influence career orientation. Students who adeptly manage challenges are more likely to overcome failures and remain optimistic about their career future. Furthermore, it suggests that enhancing coping abilities can improve the student goal adjustment skills when facing future challenges. To align their effects and drive themselves towards realistic goal coping strategies is essential for building a successful career orientation. Additionally, these developmental strategies are recommended to the universities because by considering factors such as mindfulness, coping strategies and self-regulation, policy makers can design more effective interventions.
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