Dynamics of Team-Member Exchange (TMX): A Bibliometric Analysis
Team-Member Exchange (TMX) and its associated positive organizational outcomes have garnered significant interest among organizational researchers and psychologists. To address this interest, the current research through bibliometric analysis reviewed TMX and its profound impact on the related concepts within organizational research. Utilizing a targeted search on Scopus, 113 articles were shortlisted. The substantial influence of TMX on both individual and team-level outcomes was explored by applying the Social Exchange Theory (SET). The thematic analysis and the implications of TMX, including its connections to the leadership roles, cultural contexts, and individual attributes that can enhance TMX were discussed in detail. The research study contributes to the field by providing the first comprehensive bibliometric analysis of TMX, highlighting growth trends, dominant themes, and key author collaborations which differentiates it from the previous reviews that lacked such detailed quantitative insights. This study thus, provides useful insights, recommendations, and theoretical contributions for future research in this domain.
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