Unlocking Pre-Primary Teachers’ Potential for Creativity through Job Crafting and Psychological Empowerment
In the present-day world, education is considered to be the key element of progress for any nation. Every stride towards progress demands efforts, and undoubtedly the educational institutions rely heavily on the efforts of the teachers. Ensuring the quality of students’ education and research to meet the challenges of the current era are paramount goals. The current research aimed to study the relationship between job crafting, psychological empowerment and creativity among pre-primary teachers. The study encompassed a total sample of 250 pre-primary teachers from the public and private schools of Lahore, Pakistan. Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Hayes PROCESS Mediation Analysis were applied to analyze the data through SPSS 26. The results of the study revealed a significant correlation among the variables. Results of regression analysis showed that job crafting (task and relational dimension), and psychological empowerment (meaning and impact dimension) were significant positive predictors of creativity. Furthermore, the mediation analysis showed that meaning significantly mediated the relationship between task crafting and creativity, as well as relational crafting and creativity. Similarly, impact was also found to be a significant mediator between relational crating and creativity. The findings of this research hold significant implications for both educators and policymakers of early childhood education. Confirming the crucial role of job crafting through the mediation of psychological empowerment in fostering creativity, this study underscores the necessity of integrating insights into the value, potential strategies, and effects of job crafting and psychological empowerment into teacher training programs.
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