Antecedents and Outcomes of Intimate Co-creation: A Qualitative Inquiry

  • Muhammad Umar Shahzad Air University School of Management, Pakistan.
  • Amir Ishaque Air University School of Management, Pakistan.
Keywords: intimate co-creation, co-creation, idea disclosure, interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA), collaboration, qualitative inquiry


This qualitative research study aims at re-conceptualizing intimate co-creation on the basis of a qualitative data analysis. Hence, along with a latest conceptualization, theory of intimation co-creation has been empirically examined in this study. Based on the qualitative research approach of interpretive phenomenological analysis, qualitative data obtained from eight in-depth interviews was transcribed and coded in QDA Miner Lite software for analysis. Results found that five emerging themes represent the phenomenon of intimate co-creation. Furthermore, the contribution of this study was that a new research framework on intimate co-creation has been developed in which antecedents and potential outcomes of intimate co-creation have been identified. Propositions have been given as well to elaborate the relationship of antecedents and outcomes of intimate co-creation for future research direction.

How to Cite
Shahzad, M. U., & Ishaque, A. (2021). Antecedents and Outcomes of Intimate Co-creation: A Qualitative Inquiry. Journal of Management and Research, 8(2), 1-32.