Best HRM Practices or Context-Specific HRM Practices: Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan
The current study attempted to explore the idea of convergence versus divergence of best Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in the context of Pakistan. In recent years, the businesses of multinational companies have grown immensely. This, in turn, has raised a debate of divergence vs. convergence of management practices in general and HRM practices, in particular, due to socio-cultural constructs that exist in a society. While, a major part of the international HRM literature has focused on the developed countries or the Western world. The current study, however, examined the convergence vs. divergence of the best HRM practices of a developing country, keeping in view the individual cultural values that people possess. The data was collected through a survey questionnaire technique from the telecommunications sector of Pakistan, which comprises Multinational Companies’ (MNCs) subsidiaries. The results showed that the best HRM practices should be carried out by incorporating the cultural values of the host country. However, there are certain practices that people prefer to follow in a standardized manner. Hence, the managers working in MNCs’ subsidiaries are suggested to incorporate and take into account the cultural variations while designing the HRM policies and practices. The current study also provided insights into the Pakistani culture for international research and the business community as well.
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