Call for Papers

Submission Open for Volume 9: Issue 2 (To be published in December, 2022)

ISSN (E): 2519-7924, ISSN (P): 2218-2705

Journal of Management and Research (JMR) is an International, HEC recognized Y- Category, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, and biannual journal that aims to publish theoretical and empirical research concerning the contemporary management issues in organizations – both for-profit and not-for-profit.

The editorial team of the Journal of Management and Research (JMR) would like to invite authors to submit their theoretical and empirical research papers, case studies, and review papers for the possible publication in its upcoming Volume 9, Issue 2 to be published in December 2022.

JMR broadly covers the areas of strategy and policy, performance management, human resource management, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, organization development, and organization theory.

Submission Criteria 

Authors are encouraged to submit original, insightful and theoretically and methodologically well-grounded research that contributes to management theory, policy and practice through a significant understanding of contemporary issues and their solutions.  The articles submitted to JMR should not exceed the limit of 8000 words including references, tables and figures; formatted as per APA 7th guidelines JMR does not charge for article submission, processing and publication.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: September 15, 2022

Publication Date: December 31, 2022

Submission Link: