Role of Narcissism in Entrepreneurial Traits Mediated by Entrepreneurial Intention and Entrepreneurial Motivation among University Students
This study investigates the influence of narcissism and entrepreneurial ambition on entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy in students studying entrepreneurship. This study employed an intricate relationship between narcissistic tendencies, entrepreneurial drive, entrepreneurial intention, and self-efficacy among students. The study also applied a positivist ideology and a deductive approach in quantitative research. A total of (N-766) responses were collected for inquiry from entrepreneurship students in Pakistan, a South Asian country. Data was analyzed through SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 26, while utilizing multiple linear regression models and commonly employed mediation procedures. The findings suggested that the relationship between entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial intention is such that entrepreneurial motivation positively influences entrepreneurial intention. The study made a valuable contribution to the existing body of knowledge on the extended model of the Theory of Planned Behavior. It has important implications for university administration and teachers who are responsible for students displaying high levels of narcissism or psychopathy. These individuals should be given proper care, education, and targeted interventions aimed at reducing their narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies to enhance their entrepreneurial intentions. According to the knowledge, this is the first study of this context which contributed to the literature on of narcissism, entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy. Second, the study used (Entrepreneurial Motivation) as Moderator (Exogenous force) in this study as the study was conducted in Pakistan. So, the study has a great contribution to this perspective as well.
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