Examining the Influence of Cultural and Societal Factors on Networking and Socializing Challenges: A Study of Female Entrepreneurs in Pakistan
The current research explores the experiences of female entrepreneurs in Pakistan, offering a detailed exploration of their networking and socializing efforts, the motivational factors driving their ventures, and the unique challenges they face throughout their entrepreneurial journeys. Qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interviews of 25 female entrepreneurs from diverse sectors. Thematic analysis was performed via NVivo14, which revealed the pervasive obstacles encountered, including deeply ingrained societal norms, gender biases, and limited access to established business networks. The findings revealed how traditional cultural expectations, including rigid gender roles and expectations of modesty, impede women's active participation in networking opportunities, further marginalizing them in business circles. This research also uncovers the innovative strategies female entrepreneurs use to navigate through these challenges, including utilization of online platforms as an alternative to in-person networking. The research also highlights the significance of fostering supportive networking environment for women to ensure professional growth. It provides a contextualized understanding of how societal pressure shapes the experience of female entrepreneurs in Pakistan, while drawing parallels with similar challenges faced by women in the world which adds to the broader literature on gender and entrepreneurship. The study offers actionable insights for policymakers and stakeholders. These insights are essential for creating an inclusive entrepreneurial environment for female entrepreneurs to help them flourish and contribute towards the economic growth and gender equality objectives of the country.
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