Impact of Knowledge Sharing on Employee Performance in Higher Education: Moderating Role of Employee Motivation and Employee Engagement
The objective is to assess the impact of knowledge sharing, employee motivation, and employee engagement on overall performance. The quantitative research method is used to collect primary data through an adoptive structured questionnaire based on a 5-Likert scale. The responses are recorded from 322 respondents through the method of sampling in many stages. Using SmartPLS software, recorded responses are examined using statistical tests (such as regression and correlation). The results indicate a positive relationship among knowledge sharing, employee engagement, motivation, and performance. All hypotheses (H1, H2, H3) were accepted with t-values exceeding 1.96. This study elaborates on how knowledge sharing along with the moderating effects of motivation and engagement, improves employee performance, particularly in the academic sector. It also adds to the existing literature on these relationships.
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