Influence Of Spiritual Leadership on Green Behavior: The Mediating Role of Green HRM and the Moderating Role of Individual Green Values
Given the importance of fostering green behavior among employees in multinational corporations (MNCs), the current study aimed to determine how spiritual leadership influences employees' in-role and out-of-role green behavior. The data was gathered from MBA executives’ programs with at least one year's experience working in the pharmaceutical industry. The sample size was 658 and PLS-SEM software was selected to perform the analysis. According to the findings, MNCs may develop in-role and extra-role green habits with the support of spiritual leadership and adopting green Human Resource Management (HRM) practices. Additionally, this relationship may be restrained by individual green values. Organizations can encourage to promote a culture of environmental sustainability by utilizing green HRM techniques, fostering spiritual leadership, and inspiring people to adopt green behavior through training programs and eco-friendly policies and practices. The results further emphasized that how crucial it is to include spiritual leadership in the creation and application of HRM practices. By doing this, companies may encourage a culture of sustainability and green behavior among their staff which can enhance both organizational performance and social responsibility. The current study added to the body of knowledge by providing new reasons to determine the relationship between spiritual leadership and staff members’ environmentally friendly behaviors (both inside and outside the workplace). Due to environmental concerns, the corporate sector now has a larger role in protecting the environment.
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