Strategic Communication: A Tool to Engage Multiple Stakeholders for Corporate Sustainability

  • Meryem Altaf Newcastle University, England
Keywords: Strategic communication, stakeholders, companies, corporate sustainability


This paper aims to understand the role of strategic communication to engage diverse stakeholders by companies for developing strategies for corporate sustainability. Currently, companies are moving towards sustainable development for environmental protection, social well-being, and economic growth. Usually, the government and policymakers in a country play an important role in the sustainability of any economy. However, they cannot achieve this goal alone and require businesses to identify and emphasize the issues of sustainability. This paper embarks on this issue by identifying that businesses can engage diverse stakeholders and actively communicate with them to identify, discuss, prioritize, plan, and execute sustainability-related goals. Strategic communication plays an important role in communicating with stakeholders for a meaningful purpose, which is a prerequisite for policy development. The policies developed by companies have a long-term impact on the sustainability of the company as well as on the entire economy. This paper aims to understand the current communication policies of companies for developing sustainability targets. Furthermore, this paper suggests a way forward for better development and positioning of the company’s sustainable strategies through communication. 

How to Cite
Altaf, M. (2022). Strategic Communication: A Tool to Engage Multiple Stakeholders for Corporate Sustainability. Journal of Management and Research, 9(2).