The Impact of Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) on the Market Value of Palestinian Public Shareholding Banks
This study aimed to explore the financial soundness of the Palestinian banking sector. It also aimed to examine its impact on the market value of banks listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange (PEX) which lists six (6) banks. For this purpose, Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) were utilized including capital indicators, asset quality indicators, profitability indicators, and liquidity indicators. The study employed a descriptive-analytical approach, utilizing the published financial statements of these banks to calculate the necessary ratios for measuring FSIs. Additionally, publications from the PEX were used to measure market value for the period of 2012-2021. The study revealed several noteworthy findings, including the adherence of listed banks on PEX to the Basel III Committee's regulations regarding FSIs. The data also showed that the Palestinian banking sector ranks at intermediate to advance level in terms of banking safety. Furthermore, FSIs have a significant impact on the market-to-book value ratio.
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