Contagion in Futures FOREX Markets for the Post- Global Financial Crisis: A Multivariate FIGARCHcDCC Approach
This paper seeks to investigate the time-varying conditional correlations to the futures FOREX market returns. We employ a dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) Generalized ARCH (GARCH) model to find potential contagion effects among the markets. The under investigation period is 2014-2019. We focus on four major futures FOREX markets namely JPY/USD, KRW/USD, EUR/USD and INR/USD. The empirical results show an increase in conditional correlation or contagion for all the pairsof future FOREX markets. Based on the dynamic conditional correlations, KRW/USD seems to be the safest futures FOREX market. The results are of interest to policymakers who provide regulations for the futures FOREX markets.
JEL Classification Codes: C58, C61, G11, G15
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