Structural Equation Modelling of Relationship between Teachers’ Capacity Building and Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Kwara State, Nigeria
Unarguably, students’ academic success rests on the learning experiences derived from their teachers via teaching and learning processes in the classroom. Teachers are an important tool for implementing the school programs to achieve school success. The human capital development is regarded as a way of building the capacity of teachers in the school system, thereby strengthening their knowledge and skills. In the light of this, this study examined the impact of teachers’ capacity building on academic performance. Methodologically, this study adopts a correlation survey method to establish the links between constructs of the study. Stratified and quota sampling techniques were used to select 183 respondents for the study. Questionnaire method is used for the study. Students’ results in five subjects (Mathematics, English, Biology, and Economics) were collected to measure students’ academic performance. The data collected were analyzed using Smart PLS software to model the nexus among the constructs. Findings revealed that capacity building are provided moderately as perceived by the teachers. Also, results established that teachers who went through capacity building programs are equipped with modern techniques of teaching, thereby positively influence students’ academic achievement. In conclusion, this study concluded that training and re-training of teachers is an essential factor for determining students’ success. It was recommended that capacity building should be constantly provided for teachers with a view to boost their morale and makes them efficient and effective. Improved budgetary allocations should be made by government for teachers to attend various capacity building programs. Private and individuals should be involved in providing capacity building for teachers. Lastly, no teacher should be left out in capacity building programs as teachers remain the bedrock to students’ success.
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